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Sounds Transcriber

Audiografia of Isaac Stern Audiografia of Isaac Stern, detail

Transcriptions of music, call birds, sometimes airplane turbines and all sounds

Sounds text encoding

High accuracy text encoding of sequences of sounds.

Textual encoding and data comparison of Itzhak Perlman, Audiografia Textual encoding and data comparison of Itzhak Perlman, Audiografia

A picture of sounds

What I do is to record a sequence of sounds at a precise moment and transcode the recording by a method called MWS, Musical Writing System®. Then I transcribe the code onto paper. The artwork is a trascription of sounds by high accuracy of durations and pitches.

Like a Photographer

I record every kind of sounds sequence. Everywhere I am free to walk around and "take a picture" of sounds, about someone singing, call birds, noises, music, etc. Because of the high accuracy of encoding, it is possible to trascribe an audio played on that date and time, in a way it is no possible to be anymore. An Audiografia is a picture of an event which is unique.

Glauco Leo, Audiografo
Registro delle imprese di Padova
P.IVA IT05488690289
REA PD-470879
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